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Simon Van Boxtel


La Monnaie I De Munt

La Monnaie I De Munt

Rediscovering Mozart & Da Ponte with an orchestra

with Alain Altinoglu

11 - 14 March 2020

La Monnaie I De Munt

La Monnaie / De Munt and its MM Academy organise an exceptional workshop for singers to rediscover Mozart & Da Ponte’s masterpieces with a full scale symphonic orchestra under the baton of renowned conductor Alain Altinoglu.

The objective of this workshop is to challenge young singers, who are usually used to sing this repertoire with a pianist, to work their interpretation in front of a full scale orchestra while being directed by an experienced conductor.

The first 2 days of workshop will be dedicated to working with coaches, including an Italian coach whilst the last two days will be focused on working with Alain Altinoglu and the orchestra.  

An open session with orchestra will be organised for the opera house audiences as well as for the audience of the Museum night fever hosted by La Monnaie during the evening of March 14th 2020.



 Practical informations

Arrival date: March 10th ou 11th (before 10:00 am) 2020

Subscription’s deadline: 10 December 2019

Location: La Monnaie / De Munt

Number of participants: This workshop is open to 3 singers from the MM Academy and 3 recommended by member institutions of enoa


 Application process

- the artist must be connected to one of the 13 enoa member institutions
- the artist must contact his/her sending institution, which decides if they recommend his/her application
- the artist must fill in this online form
- the hosting institution confirms the list of participants
- the network assumes the responsibility for the training fees, the costs of accommodation and travel

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration without regard to their personal situation.


 Artistic requirements

Each candidate will send by November 15th 2019  its application including:

- a CV
- 3 previously recorded videos (including at least one Mozart aria)
- a selection of 4 opera arias for the workshop - including at least 3 in Italian - from works lasting from Mozart to the middle of the 19th century. 

The hosting organisation’s musical director and jury will choose up to 3 of these to be sung during the workshop, depending on the definitive schedule, and notify the selected candidates by 15th January 2020.The candidate will be notified of the chosen aria by the beginning of February 2020.

Selection criteria: 

  • past experiences with orchestra
  • experience in Mozart recitativo’s repertoire
  • ability to learn fast and to sing in Italian

Tessitura: all type




