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Contemporary Operatic narrative through the prism of Montenegrin youth

03 - 08 December 2023


In a four day workshop two groups will study together the urgent matters of the youngsters, what are the topics to be shaped into opera productions and what language, dramaturgical and musical would the young audience understand and appreciate. Both creators and youngsters would discuss these topics together, or divided in groups with the mentorship of an established dramaturg and educator Dragana Trpković.


Teenagers from Herceg Novi, students of various interests without the necessary formal musical education selected through the community program in cooperation with Municipality Herceg Novi.

Artists - creators interested in opera art and the modernization of the form, especially through the immersive community aspect - young people become direct actors in the creative and/or performance process selected locally by Operosa and artists sent by enoa partners.



A group of young creators - librettists, composers, playwrights and a group of teenagers from Boka Bay in 4 days of discussion and planning on the topic of contemporary opera narrative. This process opens up a list of questions that we must address in order to successfully respond to the objectives of the workshop. So far we have identified the following:

  1. How to involve young people in the creation of a work of art?

  2. How to choose the topics that they want to be present and to which they want to be exposed?

  3. How to develop critical thinking in the process of selecting the content they are exposed to?

  4. How to process the selected topics so that they are attractive to a young audience?

  5. How to involve young people in the creative process and performance?

Also, the creators will guide young people in their creative process, introduce them to their work and present to them what opera can be and in which directions it is developing.

Finally, a discussion on the topic of contemporary expression from the perspective of the creator and the mentor will cover the workshop as follows:

  1. What are the expected thematic choices of young people in creativity?

  2. What are the results and what are the similarities and differences between the expected and the collected information?

  3. From the mentor's perspective, which findings were expected and which results were a surprise, unexpected...



  • To identify topics that young people want to be addressed through an opera production.

  • To acquaint young people with contemporary opera expression and the themes it deals with.

  • Find optimal ways of communication between creators and young people, including their inputs in the creative process.

  • To bridge the gap between the production process, the young audience and the creator


During the four days of training and discussions two groups would be divided into teams, each developing an idea-concept-problem, analyzing it and shaping into a moodboard of the potential production. The moodboards would be then presented to all the participants, creating two way growth for them - for youngsters understanding of the shift of the opera as a traditional form to the contemporary relatable form, and to young creators the understanding of the audience of tomorrow, and thirdly making a bridge between the creators, audiences and creative process.



 Practical informations

Date: From December 3rd to 8th, 2023

Place: Herceg Novi Youth Centre, Montenegro



 Application process

- the artist must be connected to one of the 12 enoa member institutions

- the artist must contact their sending institution, which decides if they recommend their application

- if recommended, the artist must send their application to their sending institution contact

- the network assumes the responsibility for the training fees, the costs of accommodation and travel


All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration without regard to their personal situation.


The enoa network is actively seeking to support artists currently under-represented in the opera world for historical, cultural or social reasons.


More information on enoa’s commitments




Number of participants: max. 12


- Positions reserved for participants supported by enoa organisations: up to 6

- Positions reserved for participants selected by the hosting institution:up to 6



 Artistic requirements

Application requirements:

• a CV

• a portfolio





Creation team
See all professions (2)

